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Heavyweight Speakers Unveil--The 4th ASEAN Rail Summit 2025 | 重磅嘉賓陣容揭曉--2025第四屆東盟軌道交通國際峰會

2024-11-11 14:37:46來源:第四屆東盟軌道交通國際峰會 閱讀量:16103 評論


  【Organizational Structure/大會組委會】
  1.Guided by/指導單位
  International Union of Railways/國際鐵路聯(lián)盟(UIC)
  Ministry of Railways,India/印度鐵道部
  2.Hosted by/主辦單位
  Malaysian Railway Industry Corporation/馬來西亞鐵路工業(yè)協(xié)會(MARIC)
  SMRT Corporation/新加坡地鐵(SMRT)
  Shine Consultant International Ltd. /上海士研管理咨詢有限公司(SHINE)
  3.Supported by/支持單位
  Smart Rail Committee,Taiwan Telematics Industry Association (TTIA)/中國臺灣車載資通訊產(chǎn)業(yè)協(xié)會TTIA
  Part of Confirmed Speakers/確認發(fā)言嘉賓陣容】
  (In no particular order/順序不分先后)
  1.President, Malaysian Railway Industry Corporation (MARIC)
  The Malaysian Railway Industry Association (MARIC) was officially established in 2017. MARIC is a key supporter and partner in the development of Malaysia's railway industry.
  2.Director of Institutional Relations Coordinator of Asia - Pacific region,International Union of Railways (UIC)
  International Union of Railways (UIC) was founded on October 20, 1922, and as of October 2015, the International Union of Railways has 194 members from five continents.
  3.Vice President, SMRT
  SMRT Corporation opened in 1987. It is one of the most developed and efficient public transport systems in the world. What’s more, it is also a member of the International Metro Union (CoMET).
  4.Assistant General Manager, Mass Rapid Transit Corporation(MRTC)
  Mass Rapid Transit Corporation (MRTC) is a Malaysian state-owned company and a corporate body established under the Ministry of Finance (Incorporation) Act 1957. MRT Corp is fully owned by the Minister of Finance (Incorporated).
  5.Chief Corporate Officer (CCO), KTMB Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad
  Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB), a Malaysian state-owned railway company, primarily serves Peninsula Malaysia.
  6.Ir. Ts. Noor Azlan Salleh,Project Director,Malaysia Rail Link Sdn Bhd (MRL)
  Malaysia Rail Link Sdn Bhd (MRL) is an entity of the Ministry of Finance (MOF Inc.) of Malaysia to administer the implementation of the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL).
  馬來西亞鐵路有限公司(MRL)是馬來西亞財政部(MOF Inc.)的一家公司,負責管理東海岸鐵路(ECRL)。
  7.President Director, PT. MRT Jakarta
  MRT Jakarta is a rapid transit system in Jakarta, the largest metropolis of Indonesia.
  8.Director of Fare Media Business Department, Mass rapid transit Authority of Thailand (MRTA)
  Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand (MRTA) is a state enterprise under the Ministry of Transport of Thailand. It is responsible the operation of rapid transit systems in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region.
  9.Deputy Chief Engineer of Signaling & Telecommunications,State Railway of Thailand(SRT)
  泰國國家鐵路局是泰國負責鐵路運營和發(fā)展的國家機構。‌ 該機構負責管理和運營泰國的主要鐵路干線,連接曼谷和泰國的各個主要城市,
  State Railway of Thailand (SRT) is the national agency responsible for railway operations and development in Thailand. It is responsible for managing and operating Thailand's main railway trunk lines, connecting Bangkok and major cities in Thailand.
  10.General Manager, Philippine National Railways
  Philippine National Railways (PNR) is a state-owned railway company in the Philippines which operates one commuter rail service between Laguna and Quezon, and local services between Sipocot, Naga and Legazpi in the Bicol Region. It is an attached agency of the Department of Transportation.
  11.Deputy Director - Electrical Engineering Department, KORAIL
  Korea Railway Corporation, also known as Korea Railway (KORAIL) or National Railway, is the national railway company of South Korea.
  12.Deputy Head, Management Authority for Urban Railways of Ho Chi Minh City越南胡志明市鐵路管理局副局長
  Ho Chi Minh City Metro (HCMC Metro) is the urban rail transit system of Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city in Vietnam.
  13.Vice President, Express Rail Link Sdn Bhd(ERL)吉隆坡機場快鐵私人有限公司(ERL) 副總裁
  The Express Rail Link Sdn Bhd is a company that owns and operates the airport rail link of the same name that connects the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) with the Kuala Lumpur Sentral (KL Sentral) transportation hub.
  14.Chief Project Manager, Ministry of Railways, India
  Ministry of Railways, India is managed by the Railways Commission, which is part of the ministry that operates the national railway system.
  15.General Manager, Myanma Railways
  Myanma Railways has an extensive railway network throughout the country and undertakes important passenger and cargo transportation tasks.
  16.Chief Executive Officer, Cambodia Royal Railway
  柬埔寨皇家鐵路成立于2006年。 Cambodia Royal Railway was established in 2006.
  17.Deputy Chief Engineer, Nanning Rail Transit,NNRT
  Nanning Rail Transit (NNRT) is an urban rail transit system serving Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. Its first line opened trial operation on June 28, 2016, making Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region the first ethnic minority autonomous region in China to open a subway.
  18.General Manager, Property & Non Farebox,PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia-China(PT KCIC)
  The company is a joint venture between PT Pilar Sinergi BUMN Indonesia (PSBI) by 60% and Chinese state-owned consortium company Beijing Yawan HSR Co. Ltd. by 40%.
  該公司是PT Pilar Sinergi humn Indonesia (PSBI)與中國國有財團北京亞萬高鐵有限公司(Beijing Yawan HSR Co.)的合資企業(yè),前者持股比例為60%,后者持股比例為40%。
  19.Global Railways & Roads Leader, Guglielminetti Paolo Partner PwC Italy,
  PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited is a British multinational professional services brand of firms, operating as partnerships under the PwC brand, based in London, England. It is the second-largest professional services network in the world and is considered one of the Big Four accounting firms, along with Deloitte, EY, and KPMG.
  20.Chairman, Smart Rail Committee, Taiwan Telematics Industry Association (TTIA)
  Taiwan Telematics Industry Association (TTIA) is the leading rail transit industry association dedicated to advancing future technologies in the connected car and mobility ecosystem.
  21.Head of Transport - South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Region, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB)
  Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a multilateral development bank and international financial institution that aims to collectively improve economic and social outcomes in Asia. It is the world's second largest multi-lateral development institution.
  We sincerely invite you to participate in the upcoming ASEAN RAIL AWAEDS 2025. The Award is not only a recognition of outstanding achievements within the industry, but also a recognition of the company's efforts in technological innovation, safety, environmental protection and sustainable development. By participating in this award, your company will have the opportunity to show your technologies, products and services at the summit, while making valuable connections with decision makers, experts and potential customers in the industry. This is not only a platform to showcase the strength of your business, but also a great opportunity to increase brand awareness and influence. We believe that through such communication and demonstration, your company will be able to gain wider recognition and support. We look forward to your active participation and working with you on the stage of the rail transportation industry.
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